T.C.A Microphone Mafia

T.C.A. Microphone Mafia
The rap group founded in 1989 perform music in Köln with their multilingual songs.  They gave their first concert with an anti-Nazi discourse. Their song “Hip hop Hurrah” (Rap gegen Rechts) produced in 1993 made a tremendous impact. They released their first single “No” in 1993. And with their first album “Vendetta” released in 1996, they had a steady place in the history of rap music. The same album was released with the label of Ada Music with slight modifications in Turkey. They also shot a video clip for the songs “Say What” and “İnsanlar” (People). After their second album “Microphonia,” they founded their own music production company Al Dente Recordz. Two subsequent albums of the band, “Infernalia” and “Lotta Continua” were released with the label of their own company in 2002 and 2003. 

T.C.A Microphone Mafia