Senem Demircioğlu & İlkim Tamkan
 Senem Demircioğlu She was born in Ankara.Artist; who started to study as a student of associate professor Hülya Ardıç at Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory , graduated from Piano Main Art Department in 2006 and continued her education in the opera department where she was a student of Payam Koryak. She won the first prize in the ''International Young Virtuoso Competition'' which was held in Bulgaria , 2009.After  her  graduation from the Opera Department in 2012, she  started her studies at Graz Music and Performing Arts University as a post-graduate student of Professor U.Baestlein.During this time , she also  attended master classes of Professor K.Wessel, A.Felle and A. Kirchschlager. In Austria , she performed   the role of  ''Maman, La tasse Chinoise and La Libellule'' from the  ''L'enfant et les Sortilèges'' opera of Maurice Ravel ,the role of  ''Frau Reich'' from O.Nicolai's Opera and the role of ''Dorotea.....
Senem Demircioğlu & İlkim Tamkan