Senem Demircioğlu
She was born in Ankara.Artist; who started to study as a student of associate professor Hülya Ardıç at Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory , graduated from Piano Main Art Department in 2006 and continued her education in the opera department where she was a student of Payam Koryak.
She won the first prize in the ''International Young Virtuoso Competition'' which was held in Bulgaria , 2009.After her graduation from the Opera Department in 2012, she started her studies at Graz Music and Performing Arts University as a post-graduate student of Professor U.Baestlein.During this time , she also attended master classes of Professor K.Wessel, A.Felle and A. Kirchschlager.
In Austria , she performed the role of ''Maman, La tasse Chinoise and La Libellule'' from the ''L'enfant et les Sortilèges'' opera of Maurice Ravel ,the role of ''Frau Reich'' from O.Nicolai's Opera and the role of ''Dorotea'' from G.Donizetti's opera '' Le Convenienze ed Inconvenienze Teatrali''.
Demircioğlu, who performed as the '' Mezzo Soprano'' soloist at Fazıl Say's chamber opera ''Ses'' , also took stage in the Turkish premiere of ''Gezi Park III.'' , which was an other work of Say .She sang '' First Songs'' with F.Say in '' Gezi Concert '' ,which was performed at ''Volkstheater Wien''.In 2014, she sang ''Scitalce'' in '' J.A. Hasse's opera ‘’La Semiramide Riconosciuta’’ at ‘’Alte Musik Fest’’ in Leipzig,Germany.
In the 2014-2015 season she made her debut in Graz Oper, starring in E.Naske’s ‘’ Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch’’ as ‘’Tyrannja Vamperl’’. Her performance recieved critical acclaim from the Austrian national press.
In the 2015-2016 season, the artist , who performed the role of ‘’ Böse Königin’’ in E.Humperdinck’s ‘’Schneewittchen’’ , a joint production of Vienna Taschen Oper and Graz Oper , continues her opera career in Austria.
İklim Tamkan
Artist who was born in Izmir,began her piano education in 1995 at Hacettepe University’s Ankara State Conservatory as a student of Prof. İlhan Baran and continued her studies at Dokuz Eylül University’s İzmir State Conservatory as a student of Aykut Yafe.During her education she worked with the names like Ayşegül Sarıca , Ali Darmar ,Giovanni Battel and Namık Sultanov.
Continuing her education at University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna as a student of Professor I. Häusler , Tamkan was accepted to the Graz Music and Performing Arts University in 2002 as a student of Walter Groppenberger where she studied as a piano soloist and also on piano pedagogy.
In the course of her piano education, Tamkan attended master classes held by Professor Tadeusz Chmielewski , Professor Bronislawa Kawalla and Laurent Boullet. She gave recitals and chamber music concerts in many countries including Italy , Poland ,Switzerland ,Slovenia and Germany.
In 2006 she was accepted as the top student to the Harpischord Department of the Early Music Institute in Graz and she became a student of Professor Jesper Bøje Christensen . Tamkan continued her harpsichord studies with Eva Maria Pollerus and Professor Michael Hell.She was selected to attend the piano masterclasses at Frederic Chopin Music Academy in Poland and to harpischord masterclasses at Piccola Accademia di Montisi in Italy. She successfully completed both.
In the piano category , she won the third prize in the 2002 International Valtidone Young Talents Competition , in the harpsichord category she won Kiwanis award in 2010 and Martha Debelli award in 2010 and 2012 . Tamkan who continues her solo , duo and chamber music career both in Turkey and abroad , lives in Istanbul.