Levent, Şanser
Levent Gönenç was born in 1968 in Ankara. He completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law in 1989. He is currently a faculty member at Ankara University Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law. In addition to his publications in the field of constitutional law; Gönenç, who has been interested in cartoons since an early age, have the following books, published by several eminent publication houses in Turkey: Drawn History of Time (YKY, 1992), Opposition Book, Comics and Cartoons in Turkey (with Levent Cantek) (YKY, 2017), Right to the Eye (OT Kitap, 2018), Ivy (with Yekta Kopan) (Can, 2020). Levent Gönenç continues his works in the field of cartoons in OT magazine. Levent Gönenç was introduced to music in middle school years. Between 1992-1994, he took part in the Raining Cats and Dogs, who took the stage at popular live music venues in Ankara. Gönenç, wh.....
Levent, Şanser