Demirhan Baylan
Born in Divriği, Sivas in 1970 Baylan began his music career as a bass guitarist and subsequently added to it song writing and sound engineering. His university education commenced with Architecture in Yıldız Technical University, yet quitting the department he entered Berklee College of Music to complete his bachelor degree in Music Production and Engineering. In 1999 he gave sound engineering lectures in Bilgi University and Yıldız Technical University. In the meantime he founded his own live music recording studio called Deneyevi.  While in the beginning he felt  inclined to electronic, instrumental and experimental music, with his third album he headed towards song writing and storytelling. His music style can best be described as pop and rock. He began his music career in the famous rock band Bulutsuzluk Özlemi. And he took part in various jazz, modern music and rock projects as an instrumentalist. He performed as a bass guitarist in renowned bands and musician.....
Demirhan Baylan