Ali Asker
Born in Tunceli as the child of a twelve-children family Ali Asker learned to play the baglama, with the influence of his father and mother, one playing the baglama, the other accompanying him with her songs. By the sixties he had already become an accomplished baglama player going on concert tours with one of the master minstrels of the country, Aşık Mahsuni. After the Anatolia concert series, going to Ankara Ali Asker became the voice of students before the eighties. Repeatedly taken into custody and put in prison because of his political ideas he had to leave the country and went to exile in Germany. Ali Asker has released many albums including “Zordur” (It’s Difficult), “Bahçemsin” (You’re my Garden), “Fatsa Çocuk ve Gençlik Korosu” (Fatsa Children and Youth Choir)  “Onlara Ağıt” (Requiem for Them), “Oy Dağlar” (Mountains), “Rüzgârla Bir” (With the Wind), “.....
Ali Asker