Zeynep Karalar & Kaan Oter
 ZEYNEP KARALAR: I was born in 1983, Ankara. I have started my music career by taking vocal training. During high school years I have participated in polyphonic chorus as a soloist. In 2004, I was graduated from Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Fine Arts Education, Music Department as a third honour student.  In 2007, I was assigned to Atatürk Elementary School in Urfa as a music teacher. Afterwards, I have started to work at the Turkish German Vocational High School in Ankara. I have performed as a soloist in Polyphonic Chorus Association for three years.   Since 2004, I have been writing lyrics, composing and singing children songs. Apart from these, I have been singing for tv series and commercials. I am married, have two children and I am still working at the Turkish German Vocational High School.   KAAN ÖTER I was born in 1981 in Ankara. My music journey started in high school years with Özgür ABBAK by guitar practices.&n.....
Zeynep Karalar & Kaan Oter